The exhibition Ellipse features a series of 6 Web art projects by Canadian artists which will be presented on both a specially conceived Web site and in the Musée du Québec exhibition space.
Web art, a dynamic new art form, is at the crux of emerging tendencies in digital medias such as image, sound, video and animation. Artists are appropriating this space and creating aesthetic interventions which expand our notion and experience of contemporary visual arts. The Web presents itself as the ultimate post-modern medium - de-centered and self-referential – where tenets of abstraction, minimalism, conceptualism and composition remain at play. Ellipse proposes to investigate notions of abstraction, pattern, repetition, rhythm and form as explored through the media of sound, colour, composition, moving image and navigation. The projects selected for this exhibition will reflect Web art as a mutable art engaged in the dissemination of a tableaux in perpetual flux.